New York State P-TECH is an integrated 9-14 model where students earn Associates degrees at no cost to them and are first in line for job opportunities with partner employers. At the end of the program, graduating students are first in line for job opportunities at the partnering business or industry. Today, there are over 300 P-TECH schools following the New York State model in 28 countries and 13 US states.
School districts and colleges must develop and implement a seamless six-year curriculum of rigorous academic and technical study with individual pathways for students of every academic level.
Employers are responsible for identifying mentors, developing substantive workplace and classroom activities and internships along with future job opportunities. This requires innovative staffing, scheduling and instruction and new relationships among faculty, school leaders and employers.
Through local partnerships, business and industry representatives work with education professionals to create a six‐year scope & sequence that meets the requirements for entry into specific middle jobs.
Skills mapping, a unique approach to curriculum design, assures that the program delivers 21st-century talent needs. This career focus is infused into every academic and technical course, providing relevant opportunities for students to hone skills, create projects and address complex problems through multiple pathways. Project‐based learning in authentic situations is an essential instructional approach.